

Terms of Service / Membership Agreement

Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "the terms") outline the conditions for using the I-ki service (hereinafter referred to as "the service") provided by SHINSO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company"). Users who register (hereinafter referred to as "user") are expected to use the service in accordance with the terms.

Article 1 (Scope of application)
  1. The terms shall apply to all situations involving the use of the service between the user and the company.
  2. The company may establish special regulations (hereinafter referred to as "individual regulations") such as rules other than the terms on matters related to the service. These individual regulations, regardless of their name, shall be considered a part of the terms.
  3. In the event of any conflict between the terms and the individual regulations in the preceding paragraph, the individual regulations shall take precedence over the terms, unless there is a special provision in the individual regulations.
Article 2 (User Registration)
  1. To use the Services, applicants wishing to register (hereinafter referred to as "the applicant") are deemed to have agreed to the terms. The registration application must be submitted in accordance with the method specified by the company. Upon approval by the company, user registration shall be considered complete.
  2. The company reserves the right to reject an application if the company determines that the applicant falls under any of the following circumstances. The company will not disclose the reasons for such rejection.
    1. The applicant provided false information in the registration application.
    2. The applicant has violated the terms.
    3. The applicant has violated public order and morals, etc., and the company deems them ineligible for membership.
    4. Other circumstances related to the above.
Article 3 (Management of user IDs and passwords)
  1. The user is responsible for independently managing their user IDs and passwords.
  2. Under no circumstances should the user transfer, lend, or share their user IDs and passwords with a third party. If the combination of user ID and password matches the registration information and successfully logs in, the user will be considered to be the authentic account holder.
  3. The company shall not be held responsible for damages resulting from the use of user IDs and passwords by a third party unless the company intentionally discloses the information or significant business negligence occurs. In the event of a loss suffered by the company, the user shall be held accountable for the loss.
Article 4 (Fees for the Service Usage and Payment Methods)
  1. The usage fee for regular users is free of charge.
  2. The usage fee for premium users will be separately outlined by the company. The user is required to pay the registration fee and annual fee (monthly payment) as indicated on the website specified by the company.
  3. If the annual fee is overdue for more than one month, premium users will automatically be considered to have withdrawn from the membership starting from the month following the unsuccessful second deduction.
  4. Starting from the end of the month in which the company receives the user's membership registration application, the user enters the stage where they are required to pay the fee. Users should make payments according to the methods specified by the company.
  5. After determining the service usage fee from the 1st to the end of each month, the company will initiate the billing process for the fees to be charged to premium users through its credit card payment system at the end of that month.
  6. Due to the aforementioned paragraphs 4 and 5, the payment date and the debit date may differ. The specific debit will be based on your credit card company's billing schedule.
Article 5 (Confidential Information)

The user is required to keep confidential any proprietary information and personal information of the company, related organizations, partners, and other third parties that they become aware of through the use of the service. Without the prior consent of the company or other information providers, users may not disclose or provide such confidential information or personal information to others or engage in other unauthorized actions.

Article 6 (Prohibited Activities)

The User is prohibited from engaging in the following behaviors while using the service.

  1. Actions that violate the law or public order and morals.
  2. Criminal behavior.
  3. Infringement of the contents of the service, including violations of copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights.
  4. Actions that damage or interfere with the servers and networks of the company, other users, or third parties.
  5. Use of information obtained through the service for commercial purposes.
  6. Behavior that may interfere with the operation of the service.
  7. Conducting or attempting to perform illegal network access.
  8. Collecting or storing personal information of other users.
  9. Use of the Service for illegal purposes.
  10. Actions that cause disadvantage, damage, or displeasure to other users or third parties.
  11. Impersonating another user.
  12. Conducting promotional, advertising, solicitation, or marketing activities for the service without the company's authorization.
  13. Actions to seek to meet with the opposite sex of strangers.
  14. Acts related to the service that directly or indirectly provide benefits to anti-social forces.
  15. Any other behavior that the company deems inappropriate, as well as matters related to articles (1) to (14) above.
Article 7 (Cases of suspension of service provision)
  1. If the Company determines that any of the following circumstances exist, it may terminate or suspend the provision of part or all of the service without prior notice to the user.
    1. When the computer system related to the service is undergoing maintenance or a system update.
    2. When the service cannot be provided due to force majeure, such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, power outages, or other natural disasters.
    3. When the service is suspended due to accidents in computers or communication lines.
    4. When the company determines that providing the service is difficult.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any damage or loss suffered by the user or a third party as a result of the suspension or interruption of the provision of the service.
Article 8 (Usage Restrictions and User Deregistration)

When the company determines that a user falls under any of the following conditions, the company may, without prior notice, partially or completely restrict the user's use of the service or may directly deregister the user's registration information. The company assumes no responsibility for the situations described in this article.

  1. The user violates any terms of these terms and conditions.
  2. The user provided false information at the time of registration.
  3. The user fails to fulfill the obligation to pay fees.
  4. Other situations where the company determines that the user is not suitable for using the service.
Article 9 (Withdrawal of membership and related matters)
  1. Paying users can withdraw from the service through the withdrawal procedure specified by the company. The designated withdrawal procedure requires notifying the company in writing or by email one month in advance.
  2. If a paying user terminates the contract midway in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, there is no need to pay a penalty or provide other compensation to the company.
  3. If the contract is canceled in accordance with paragraph 1, the user shall not be required to pay the fee for the month that corresponds to the date of withdrawal.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
  1. The company does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee that the service is free from any contract nonconformity in fact or law (including defects, errors, bugs, infringements of rights, etc., in terms of safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, suitability for specific purposes, security, etc.).
  2. The company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the user due to the service, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by the company. However, this disclaimer does not apply to contracts between the company and the user regarding the service (including these terms) when it qualifies as a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Act.
  3. Even in cases covered by the exception in the preceding paragraph, the company shall not be liable for damages incurred by users due to the company's negligence (excluding gross negligence) in the event of debt default or illegal actions, except for damages arising from special circumstances (including those foreseen or foreseeable by the company or the user). Furthermore, compensation for damages incurred by the user due to the company's negligence (excluding gross negligence) is limited to the amount of the fee received from the user in the month when the damage occurred.
  4. The company shall not be liable for any transaction, contact, or dispute between the user and any other user or third party in connection with the service.
Article 11 (Ownership of intellectual property rights)
  1. Unless otherwise specified, the copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights related to information, content, trademarks, logos, etc., in the service belong to the company.
  2. Users are prohibited from misappropriating or copying relevant information without the prior written consent of the company.
Article 12 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces)

Users guarantee that, in the past, present, and future, they do not and will not fall under the category of anti-social forces (organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, individuals who have not passed five years since ceasing to be a member of an organized crime group, quasi-members of organized crime groups, companies related to organized crime groups, political racketeers, those posing as social activists involved in violent activities or special intelligence violence groups, and others equivalent to these) and that they will not engage in or conduct actions that violate laws, such as violent acts, fraudulent or coercive actions, and acts that may interfere with business.

Article 13 (Changes to the service content)

The company may change, add, or discontinue the content of the service without prior notice, and users are deemed to accept this.

Article 14 (Amendment of the terms of service)

The company can change the terms of service without obtaining individual consent from the user in the following cases:

  1. When the amendment to the terms is in the general interest of the user.
  2. When the amendment to the terms does not contradict the purpose of the service use contract and is reasonable considering the necessity of the amendment and the appropriateness of the modified content.
  3. The company will notify the user in advance of the changes to the terms, the content after the changes, and the effective date of the changes through the Internet or other methods specified by the company.
Article 15 (Handling of personal information)

The company will handle personal information obtained through the use of the service appropriately in accordance with the company's " Personal Information Protection Policy."

Article 16 (Notification or Contact)

Notification or contact between the user and the company will be conducted through methods specified by the company. The company will consider the currently registered contact information as valid unless the user provides a change notification according to the method specified by the company, and notifications or contacts sent to such contact information are deemed to have reached the user upon dispatch.

Article 17 (Prohibition of assignment of rights and obligations)

Users cannot transfer or pledge their position under the usage contract or rights or obligations based on these terms to a third party without the prior written consent of the company.

Article 18 (Damages)

If a user violates these terms and causes damage to the company or a third party, the user must compensate the company or the third party for such damage.

Article 19 (Governing law)

The interpretation of these terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

Article 20 (Agreed jurisdiction)

In the event of a dispute related to the service, depending on the claim amount, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

October 1, 2023
SHINSO Co., Ltd.

Membership Agreement

Article 1 (Name)

The name of this membership service system is I-ki (hereinafter referred to as "the club"), managed by SHINSO Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company").

Article 2 (Membership system)

Our members are divided into regular members and premium members.

Article 3 (Purpose)

The objective of the Club is to provide corresponding services to its members based on mutual trust. The ultimate interpretation rights of this service belong to the company.

Article 4 (Membership eligibility)

Based on the information provided in the membership application form for each membership system, after examination and confirmation by the company, applicants deemed eligible will be recognized as members (hereinafter referred to as "members") and granted membership approval. However, please note that incomplete information in the membership application registration may affect the processing of your membership application. Notification of membership approval will be communicated through email.

Article 5 (Registration fee and annual fee)

The membership fee and annual fee are as follows.

    Premium members:Registration fee: 5 million Japanese Yen per person (tax included)
             Annual fee: 600,000 Japanese Yen per person (tax included) *monthly installments
Article 6 (Member benefits)

Premium members are entitled to enjoy various discounts and services as specified by the company.

Article 7 (Membership refusal)

We will refuse membership to individuals meeting any of the following conditions.

  1. Falsification of information in the registration.
  2. Involvement in disputes related to delayed payment of the registration fee and annual fee.
  3. Falling under the category of "anti-social forces," including:
    1. Members or quasi-members of designated organized crime groups (designated by the Prefectural Public Safety Commission according to the Act on Prevention of Unlawful Activities by Boryokudan Members, Law No. 77 of 1991), other organized crime groups or their members, enterprises related to organized crime, quasi-organized crime groups.
    2. Members of groups disrupting shareholders' meetings, claiming to be social movement groups, loan sharks, or special intelligence violent groups.
    3. Individuals or groups engaging in destructive activities, violent activities, or coercive behaviors.
    4. Individuals or groups engaging in malicious coercive actions beyond legal responsibility, unilaterally conducting boycotts, or spreading rumors.
    5. Individuals or groups using deception or force to damage the credibility of the company or the group, interfering with business activities.
    6. Individuals or groups engaging in threatening or violent behavior in transactions (reservations, use, payment, ancillary services, etc.) with the company or the group.
    7. Other individuals or groups specified by the company or each business location.
  4. Individuals who are presumed to be involved with or associated with those similar to the preceding paragraph or closely associated persons.
  5. Being subject to arrangements, arrests, detentions, prosecutions, or guilty judgments due to criminal offenses.
  6. Acts of assault, injury, coercion, threats, extortion, fraud, or similar offenses.
  7. Non-compliance with the terms and conditions, usage agreements, or other contracts.
  8. Determined by the Company or the Group as unsuitable for membership.
  9. Other grounds that are deemed socially unacceptable.
Article 8 (Various procedures)

If you fall under any of the following, please contact the office and proceed with the prescribed procedures.

  1. Request for re-issuance due to loss, theft, or damage of the membership card.
  2. Situations requiring changes to the membership application registration information or processing of withdrawal.
Article 9 (Membership qualification update, expiry, and removal)
  1. The update of membership shall be reviewed by the company.
  2. The membership qualification will expire if any of the following conditions are met. If your membership qualification expires, you will lose all membership rights.
    1. Violation of the agreed-upon matters as specified in the modified agreement under Article 10.
    2. Violation of the membership qualification terms as stipulated in this agreement.
    3. Significant changes in the member's credit status.
    4. Asserting rights beyond membership privileges or making unreasonable requests.
    5. Inability to establish contact with the member due to relocation, job change, etc.
    6. Other situations similar to the above.
  3. In cases where the company deems it inappropriate for a member as per the preceding paragraph, the membership will be revoked. Individuals whose membership has been revoked are generally not allowed to reapply.
Article 10 (Scope of application of the member agreement)

The scope of application of this article is as follows.

  1. This article applies to all members using services provided by the company.
  2. In the operation of services, the company has various regulations for each service, such as rules, terms, guidelines, and other provisions (hereinafter referred to as "regulations"). For matters not stipulated in this agreement, the respective regulations shall prevail.
  3. The company may add or modify new provisions in this agreement without the approval of members, such as additions or modifications to this agreement, related to the operation of services. The company will notify members through the Internet or other methods specified by the company and update the latest version on the website.
  4. After the modification of this agreement, the use of services provided by the company by members is deemed acceptance of the modified agreement.
supplementary provisions

This Agreement shall come into force as of October 1, 2023.